Polaris Sector’s 1.03c patch is now live. The update consists of many tweaks, fixes and UI improvements which will no doubt make your Polaris Sector experience better than ever.
But it’s not all! We have a little treat for you. Considering how vast and complex the research system in Polaris Sector is, we thought it would be handy for all players to have some assistance. Therefore we are working on a new page on the Polaris Sector site, detailing all available technologies in the game and the relations between! So stay tuned for more news!
Fixed – Crash on exiting Settings Configurator
Fixed – Misc other crash bugs
Fixed – Boot error when using the “-design” option
Fixed – Remove the possibility to use special symbols in names (was causing save issues)
Fixed – Crash at end of Tutorials when playing in Spanish
Change – Updated AI rules to force it to stand and fight after a second retreat in a row
Change – Increased AI focus on science production
Change – Planetary governer mode “Mineral” renamed to “Mineral+”
Added – New Planetary governer “Mineral” that will only build mineral facilities, nothing else. Use this when you want to add mineral mines but not reduce food or research output
Fixed – Colonizers can now take population from a planet with population control
Added – Option to permanently remove ship designs (Hold down shift and click the delete button)
Fixed – Scrolling in the economics screen could scroll down the events log
Speculative Fix – Reduced UI messages about planetary bombardment
Change – If combat cannot be simulated in a reasonable time then game uses calculations rather than simulation. If this happens then no statistics are shown on post-battle screen.
Change – Can order 150 fighters at once from planetary build queue
Added – More tooltip info on the impact of extended working hours on exhausted workers
Fixed – Can now have the same name ship design across multiple races
Fixed – Transporting population to world with Shipyards but not factories will no longer destroy the shipyards nor any excess Colonial Modules
Fixed – Muon Fusion Reactor changed to 6x6
Change – lessened the rate of impact of extended working hours on your workers
Fixed – Removed ability to destroy orbital structures or launch invasions before combat resolved
Change - Theosians should no longer multiply at an excessive rate
Fixed – Can now use SCENARIO folders inside Mod folders
Added – Ability to add Heroes