Vanguard cruisers, plot interception routes for enemy frigates! Beta and Gamma wing squadrons to Phalanx formation! Point-defence corvettes, screen their bombers! Hit them hard boys!
Polaris Sector brings new life to the 4x genre, allowing you to expand your empire in the dark vastness of space by sly and Machiavellian means. And if devious scheming isn’t enough, vanquish your enemy on the battlefield by turning his fleets into space dust!
Featuring deep tactical battles in which maneuvering actually matters and an enormous galaxy of over 900 stars, Polaris Sector is a game like no others.
Make use of the incredibly vast research tree or the innovative espionage system to gain an edge over the other races. Completely customize your ships to exploit the enemy’s weaknesses and conquer the sector!
And on top of this, Polaris Sector will be sold at a 10% discount for a week following the release! Don’t miss this opportunity and warp into the sector!
Last but not least, don't miss the exciting Twitch Stream this Thursday on our official twitch channel!